loop and nodal methods of analysis
loop and nodal methods of analysis : We have seen that using Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law we can analyze any circuit to determine the operating conditions (the currents and voltages). The challenge of formal circuit analysis is to derive the smallest set of simultaneous equations that completely define the operating characteristics of a circuit. In this lecture we will develop two very powerful methods for analyzing any circuit: The node method and the mesh method. These methods are based on the systematic application of Kirchhoff’s laws. We will explain the steps required to obtain the solution by considering the circuit example shown on Figure 1. Node Method: A voltage is always defined as the potential difference between two points. When we talk about the voltage at a certain point of a circuit we imply that the measurement is performed between that point and some other point in the circuit. In most cases that other point is referred to as ground. The...
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